Short Bio
Dr. Vladimir Drachev received his M.S. degree in physics from Novosibirsk State University, Russia, and the Ph.D. degree in experimental physics from Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Automation & Electrometry and Institute for Semiconductor Physics, in 1995. He was a Junior Scientist, Senior Scientist at the Institute for Semiconductor Physics, Visiting Scientist at New Mexico State University. His recent appointment as a Senior Research Scientist was at Birck Nanotechnology Center and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University (2002-2012). Dr. Drachev is an associate editor for Optical Materials Express, which is one of the leading journals in optics oriented for rapid article-at-a-time publication. He is widely recognized for his works in nanophotonics and nanotechnology and, in particular for his experiments on optics, nonlinear optics, and spectroscopy of plasmonic nanostructures and their applications in biosensing and metamaterials. Dr. Drachev has published about 90 papers in refereed journals, 8 book chapters and received 5 patents. His current h-index is 32 with more than 5090 total citations according to Google Scholar.