Short Bio
Curriculum Vitae
Vladimir P. Drachev
Contacts: 1155 Union Circle, Denton TX 76203
e-mail address:
M.S.: Novosibirsk State University (Physics, 1980);
Ph.D.: Institute for Semiconductor Physics and Institute of Automation and Electrometry, Russian Academy of Sciences, (Experimental Physics, 1995);
2012-present: Associate Professor, University of North Texas, Department of Physics, Denton TX.
2002-2012: Senior Research Scientist (Purdue University, Birck Nanotechnology Center and School of Electrical and Computer Engineering).
2000-2001: College Professor (New Mexico State University).
1999-2000: Visiting Scientist (New Mexico State University).
1987-2000: Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow (Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia).
1983-1987: Research Fellow (Institute of Scientific Instrument Engineering, Novosibirsk, Russia).
1980-1983: Junior Research Fellow (Institute of Automation & Electrometry, Novosibirsk, Russia).
1978-1980: Research Assistant (Novosibirsk State University and Institute of Automation & Electrometry, Novosibirsk, Russia).
Professional Skills: experimental methods in optics, spectroscopy for bio-sensing (luminescence, life-time, Raman, surface-enhanced Raman, transmission/reflection), variety of lasers (Ar/Kr lasers, diode lasers, Nd-YAG, femtosecond/picosecond Ti-Sapphire, HeCd laser, optical-parametric amplifier, regenerative Ti-Sapphire amplifier), spectroscopic ellispometry, nonlinear optics and spectroscopy, nanotechnology for plasmonics (e-beam lithography, chemical synthesis, vacuum evaporation, clean room experience), bio-nanotechnology, structural characterization of nanostructures (scanning electron microscopy, focused ion beam, atomic-force microscopy), near-field scanning optical microscopy.
Publications summary: 89 papers in refereed journals, 4 patens, and 8 invited book chapters.
Dr. Drachev’s h-index is 32 with the total citations more than 4900 (Google Scholar), h-index - 27 (Web of Science). List of publications, invited lectures, and conference invited talks is shown below, on page 6.
Funding: ARO/SUNY at Buffalo (PI): Feb2014-Feb2016 $150K “Nanofabrication and Characterization of Metamaterials for Spin-Optics.” AFRL (PI): Sep2012-Dec2014; $310K “Evaluation and Parameter Retrieval of Optical Metamaterials using Spectroscopic Ellipsometry.” AFRL (PI); June2009-July2012; $300K “Spectroscopic Ellipsometry of Optical Metamaterials”; STC/ARO (co-PI); Sept 2009-Dec 2011; “Bi-spectral plasmonic obscurants”; Battelle/ARO (co-PI); Jan 2007-Jan 2009; “Long-pass Plasmonic-Molecular Filters for Mid-Infrared;” Battelle/ARO (co-PI), 01/12/05-01/11/07, $300K,“Plasmonic Filters with IR Windows of Transparency”; Co-Investigator at Birck Nanotechnology Center in Purdue Discovery Park (2002-2003) $140K.
Awards: “Nano50” 2006 Technology Award (The Nanotech Briefs magazine award recognizes the top 50 innovators, products, and technological advancements that demonstrate the greatest potential toward developing the commercialization of nanotechnology) for Nanorod Material; Kirk award from Birck Nanotechnology Center (2008); Visiting Award from Aston University, Birmingham, UK (2005) ; Ostrovskii award from Ioffe Institutive of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the field of holography and interferometry for the series of papers “Dispersion interferometry of nonlinear optical media” (1997).
Professional Service: Associate Editor for Optical Materials Express, OSA Senior member,
Reviewer for: Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, B, Nature Biotechnology, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Modern Optics, Nano Letters, Applied Optics, New Journal of Physics, U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation, Israel Science Foundation, DoE Office of Basic Energy Science.
Research Experience : The current tendency in optics&spectroscopy and its applications for bio-sensing indicates the critical importance of developing and applying advanced technologies that can take advantage of nano-scale photonic phenomena. One of the most efficient ways of controlling electric and magnetic field distributions on scales much smaller than the optical diffraction limit can be provided by excitation of collective electron oscillations in metal nanostructures, localized surface plasmons, and propagating surface plasmon waves, which provide an efficient coupling of light into sub-wavelength waveguides.
1. Dr.Drachev’s research has been focused on nanoplasmonics and its application for biosensing. It was started at Novosibirsk State University and Institute for Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, where he has led an experimental group. The project was aimed at the basic optical properties of metal nanoparticle aggregates with fractal dimensions. This work led to the discovery of the nonlinear optical gyrotropy of fractal aggregates of Ag and the observation of polarization nonlinearities, such as the inverse Faraday effect, and the optical Kerr effect. The project involved synthesis of nanoparticle aggregates and fine nonlinear optical measurements using nanosecond lasers and polarization interferometry.
2. In 1999 Vladimir Drachev was invited to continue his research at the Physics Department of New Mexico State University. Dr. Drachev has conducted research on nonlinear spectroscopy, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, and near-field scanning optical microscopy of metal nanoparticle fractal aggregates. Dr. Drachev with colleagues have demonstrated large local optical activity of fractal Ag films detected with sub-wavelength resolution by near-field scanning optical microscopy. Another finding showed quantum size effect manifestation in discrete spectra of two photon excited luminescence from Ag nanoparticles. Dr. Drachev training contributed in a successful career of the team members. Nick Lepeshkin, Ph.D. 2001, now is an Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy. Fedda Al-Zoubi, Ph.D. 2002, was an Assistant Professor of Optics and since 2007 he is an Associate Professor of Optics at Jordan University of Science and Technology, School of Science and Art, Department of Applied Physics.
3. Since 2002 Dr.Drachev has been working with Nanophotonics Lab at Purdue University. Dr. Drachev works as a leading scientist, co-principal investigator, or principal investigator on several research projects. Those projects imply team efforts and often inter-department or multi university research initiative. Some examples are presented below.
3.1. Surface-Enhanced Optical Detection of Proteins (2002-2005). This exciting project was aimed at sensing of proteins using surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). Dr. Drachev, as a leading scientist on this project, guided Ph. D. students Mark Thoreson, Eldar Khaliullin, Vishal Nashine and M. S. student Tejal Goyani. Led by Dr. Drachev team in collaboration with Prof. Ben-Amotz group (PI, Department of Chemistry) and Prof. Davisson group (Pharmacy) demonstrated tag free protein-protein binding detection, and the feasibility of using SERS to distinguish protein conformational states, which was shown for human insulin and its analog insulin lispro (J. Physical Chemistry 108, 18046-52 (2004), Langmuir 21, 8368 - 8373 (2005), J. of Raman Spectroscopy 36, special issue on SERS, 648-656 (2005), SPIE Proceedings 5703, 79-85, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine II; (2005)).
3.2. Plasmonic Filters with Infrared Windows of Transparency (co-PI, 2005-2011). In this project unique properties of fractal metal films and their photomodification have been explored to create plasmonic filters for infrared spectral range. The core-shell nano-particles with plasmonic fractal shell are chemically synthesized. Ph. D. students Mark Thoreson, Piotr Nyga, and Vashista de-Silva were involved in the team led by Dr. Drachev.
3.3. Engineered Multifunctional Nanophotonic Materials for Ultrafast Optical Switching (leading scientist, 2006-2011).
This multi-university research initiative is a collaborative project (PI Prof. E. Van Stryland) of University of Central Florida (CREOL), Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Arizona, and Purdue University ( Dr. Drachev has served as a working leader of the Purdue University team and provided communications with the collaborators. The Purdue team involves Ph. D. students Josh Borneman, Piotr Nyga, and Kuo-Ping Chen. One of the main achievements of the team is a new plasmonic based nonlinear material for ultrafast optical switching.
3.4. Spectroscopic Ellipsometry of Optical Metamaterials (PI, 2009-2013).
Dr. Drachev is a principal investigator on this project. He leads a team, which combine efforts of Postdoctoral fellow David Lyvers and in collaboration with Dr. Alex Kildishev.
3.5. Optical Negative Index Metamaterials (leading scientist, 2003-2010). Dr. Drachev has managed and guided a group of Ph. D. students involved in experimental research on the project. The group includes Wenshan Cai, Hsiao-Kuan Yuan, Reuben Bakker, Ji-young Kim, and Shumin Xsiao. This research has resulted, in particular, in first experimental realization of negative index materials prototype for the optical range (down to 570 nm) and metamagnetics across the visible range. About 20 papers have been published. We fabricated the metamaterials using e-beam lithography and characterized it using optical spectroscopy and interferometry. State–of-the-art experiments were performed on metamaterials with compensated losses by a gain medium. A thin film of such a metamaterial has been developed, fabricated, and characterized with a femtosecond pump-probe system. The transmitted and reflected light intensity in such an active metamaterial exceed the incident light (Nature 466, 735-738 (2010)).
3.6. DNA-Gold Nanoparticle Networks Grown on Cell Surface Marker Sites: Application in Diagnostics of Cancer Stem Cells (leading scientist, 2009-2010).
This project was done in collaboration with Prof. Irudayaraj (Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering). Identification of breast cancer stem cells (CSC) requires a multiplex detection of cell surface markers to distinguish a subpopulation of cancer cells, which can invade and proliferate at sites of metastasis. A new approach has been developed based on DNA- gold nanoparticle network structures as a multiplex probe for both surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) detection. The network structures are well controlled and synthesized by DNA hybridization at specific cell surface sites. Two cell surface markers, CD44 and CD24, have been chosen for experiments with three breast cancer cell lines as significant indicators of the cancer stem cells in the case of a CD44+/CD24- subpopulation. The results of phenotyping for three breast cancer cell lines nicely correspond to the literature data determined by flow cytometry (ACS Nano, 5 (3) 2109-2117 (2011)).
Teaching Experience: At Novosibirsk State University (Russia) Dr. Drachev taught a graduate level course “Optical measurements: spectroscopy” in 1997-1998. He also gained a uniquely rewarding teaching perspective through my involvement in the program called “Academic support for high school education”, where Dr. Drachev taught advanced physics courses for gifted high school students during 1992-1998 at one of the Novosibirsk high schools. These courses covered undergraduate level physics, mechanics, electricity and magnetism, molecular physics, and optics. For these teaching activities Dr. Drachev was awarded the prestigious prize for Excellence in Teaching by the International Science Foundation. The nomination and selection of the winners were performed by the vote of undergraduate students from the top sixty universities in the country. The students were asked to point out their favorite high school teachers in physics, math, biology, and chemistry. Dr. Drachev received this prize twice, in 1997 and 1998.
Student advising:
Summary: currently supervising 4 Ph.D. students, 1 postdoc; former M.S. – 9, Ph.D. – 12.
Novosibirsk State University, Russia:
Advisor for Sergey Perminov , Ph.D. 2000, currently Senior Research Fellow at Institute for Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Advisor for M.S. students, Novosibirsk State University, 1992-1998: Anvar Nuriev, Andrey Sukhoroslov, Mikhail Vasiliev, Sergey Ertsenkin, Sergey Perminov.
Eldar Khaliullin B.S. 2000.
New Mexico State University, co-advisor with Prof. Armstrong,:
Nick Lepeshkin, Ph.D. 2001, now Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University, Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Fedda Al-Zoubi, Ph.D. 2002, Assistant Professor of Optics and since 2007 Associate Professor of Optics at Jordan University of Science and Technology, School of Science and Art, Department of Applied Physics.
Eldar Khaliullin, M.S. 2001.
Purdue University, co-advisor with Prof. Shalaev:
Eldar Khaliullin, Ph.D. 2005, Postdoctoral Fellow at The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the College of Natural Sciences, since 2007 Senior Software Engineer at Luminescent Technologies.
Tejal Goyani, M.S. 2004, now with Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Sunnyvale, CA.
Reuben Bakker, M.S. 2004, Ph.D 2008, now Senior Research Fellow at Data Storage Institute, Singapore.
Mark Thoreson, M.S. 2004, Ph.D 2009.
Piotr Nyga, Ph.D. 2008, now with Institute of Optoelectronics Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland.
Wenshan Cai, Ph.D. 2008, now Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University.
Hsiao-Kuan Yuan, Ph.D. 2008, now Lithography engineer at INTEL.
Josh Borneman, Ph.D. 2009, now with CRANE.
Ji-Young Kim, Ph.D. 2010, now with INTEL.
Kuo-Ping Chen, Ph.D, 2010, INTEL, now Assistant Professor at Taiwan University .
Shumin Xiao, Ph.D. 2010, Now Assistant Professor at Harbin University, China.
Purdue University, co-advisor with Prof. Irudayaraj (Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering): Kyuwan Lee, Ph.D. 2011, now Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Berkeley, Bioengineering Lab.
Supervisor for Postdosctoral Fellow David Lyvers.
Co-advisor with Prof. Shalaev for Ph.D. Students: Vashista de Silva, James Stewart.
University of North Texas. Currently: Supervisor for Postdosctoral Fellow David Lyvers,
Ph.D. students V. De Silva, H. Bhatta, K.Rockapriore, A. Goudarzi, Amir Gheadzadeh.
- Patents (4) p.6
- Invited book chapters (7) p.6
- Referred Journal Papers (86): p.7
- Invited Lectures (18): p.15
- Invited presentations (22): p.16
5. V.M. Shalaev, A.V. Kildishev, V.P. Drachev, W. Cai, Near Field Raman Imaging, U.S. patent US8,599,489 B2, issued December 3, 2013.
4. V. P. Drachev, D. Ben-Amotz, V. M. Shalaev, Plasmonic and/or microcavity enhanced optical protein sensing, U.S. Patent No. 7,298,474, issued November 20, 2007.
3. V.P. Drachev, V.M. Shalaev, and A.K. Sarychev, “Raman imaging and sensing apparatus employing nanoantennas” US patent 6,985,223 issued 1/10/2006
2. R. L. Armstrong, V. M. Shalaev, T. M. Shay, W. Kim, Z. C. Ying, V. P. Drachev, and V. P. Safonov, “Optical enhancement with nanoparticles and microcavities”, US Patent 6,608,716 B1, 08.19.2003.
1. Drachev V.P., Babin S.A., and Zerrouk A.F.``Dispersion Interferometer, using orthogonally polarized waves" US Patent (5,642,195), 06.24.1997; Japan Patent #2903486, March 26, 2000.
Invited book chapters:
8. S. Ishii, X. Ni, V. P. Drachev, M. D. Thoreson, V. M. Shalaev, and A. V. Kildishev, “Active and Tunable Metallic Nanoslit Lenses,” Active Plasmonics and Tuneable Plasmonic Metamaterials, First Edition. Edited by Anatoly V. Zayats and Stefan Maier.
© 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
7. M. A. Noginov, G. Zhu, V. P. Drachev, and V. M. Shalaev, Surface plasmons and gain media, a chapter in a “Nanoplasmonics: Advances in Nano-Optics and Nano-Photonics” ed. by V. M. Shalaev, Elsevier B. V. 2007.
6. A. V. Kildishev, T. A. Klar, V. P. Drachev, and V. M. Shalaev, Thin metal-dielectric composite with a negative index of refraction, a chapter in a “Nanoplasmonics: Advances in Nano-Optics and Nano-Photonics” ed. by V. M. Shalaev, Elsevier B. V. 2007.
5. V.P. Drachev and V.M. Shalaev, Biomolecule sensing with adaptive plasmonic nanostructure, a chapter in a “Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering - Physics and Applications” ed. by K. Kneipp, M. Moskovits, and H. Kneipp, Springer Verlag, Topics in applied physics, 2006
4. V.P. Drachev, M. D. Thoreson, and V.M. Shalaev, Sensing proteins with adaptive metal nanostructures, a chapter in a "Surface Plasmon Nanophotonics,” Kluwer, editors: M. Brongersma and P. Kik, 2006
3. V. P. Drachev, S. V. Perminov, S. G. Rautian, and V. P. Safonov, “Nonlinear optical effects and selective photomodification of silver colloidal aggregates”, pp. 113-148, in Optical properties of nanostructured random media, ed. by V. M. Shalaev, Springer Verlag, Topics in applied physics, v. 82, Berlin (2001).
2. W. Kim, V. P. Safonov, V. P. Drachev, V. A. Podolskyi, V. M. Shalaev, and R. L. Armstrong, “Fractal-microcavity composites: giant optical responses”, pp. 149-168, in Optical properties of nanostructured random media, ed. by V. M. Shalaev, Springer Verlag, Topics in applied physics, v. 82, Berlin (2001).
1. V. P. Safonov, Yu. E. Danilova, V. P. Drachev, and S. V. Perminov, "Optical nonlinearities in metal colloidal solutions", pp. 283-312, in Optics of Nanostructured Materials, ed. by V. A. Markel and T. F. George, Wiley Interscience, N.Y. (2000), p.553.
Referred Journal Papers:
90. Bivas Saha, Gururaj Naik, Vladimir P. Drachev, Alexandra Boltasseva,
Ernesto E. Marinero, and Timothy D. Sands, “Electronic and optical properties of ScN and (Sc,Mn)N thin films deposited by reactive DC-magnetron sputtering,”
J. OF APPLIED PHYSICS 114, 063519 (2013).
89. Sangsik Kim, Yi Xuan, Vladimir P. Drachev, Leo T. Varghese, Li Fan, Minghao Qi, and Kevin J. Webb, "Nanoimprinted plasmonic nanocavity arrays,"
Optics Express 21(13), 15081-15089 (2013).
88. V. P. Drachev, V. A. Podolskiy, and A. V. Kildishev, “Hyperbolic metamaterials: new physics behind a classical problem,”
Optics Express 21(12), 15048–15064 (2013).
Highlighted in Advances in Engineering ( features breaking research judged by AE’s advisory team).
87. B. D. Dolash, R. R. Lahiji, D. Y. Zemlyanov, V. P. Drachev, R. Reifenberger, D. E. Bergstrom, “Sonication Mediated Covalent Cross-linking of DNA to Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes,”
Chemical Physics 413, 11–19 (2013).
86. S. Ishii, A. V. Kildishev, E. Narimanov, V. M. Shalaev, and V. P. Drachev, “Subwavelength diffraction pattern from volume plasmon polariton in a hyperbolic medium,”
Laser Photonics Review (original paper) 7(2), 265–271 (2013) (2013)./DOI 10.1002/lpor.201200095.
85. D. P. Brown, M. A. Walker, A. M. Urbas, A. V. Kildishevd, S. Xiao, and V. P. Drachev, “Direct measurement of group delay dispersion in metamagnetics for ultrafast pulse shaping,” Optics Express 20(21), 23082-23087 (2012).
84. J. Kim, V. P. Drachev, Z. Jacob, G. V. Naik, A. Boltasseva, E. E. Narimanov, and V. M. Shalaev, “ Improving the radiative decay rate for dye molecules with hyperbolic metamaterials,”
Optics Express 20 (7), 8100-8116 (2012).
83. S. Ishii, V. P. Drachev, and A. V. Kildishev, “Diffractive nanoslit lenses for subwavelength focusing,”
Opt. Commun. 285 (16), 3368-3372 (2012), doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2012.01.042.
82. R. Quidant and V.P. Drachev, “Focus issue introduction: nanoplasmonics and metamaterials,”
Optical Materials Express, 1(6), 1139-1140 (2011).
81. S. Ishii, A.V. Kildishev, V.M. Shalaev, and V.P. Drachev, “Controlling the wave focal structure of metallic nanoslit lenses with liquid crystals”
Laser Physics Letters 8(11), 828-832 (2011) / DOI 10.1002/lapl.201110077
80. J. Trieschmann,, S. Xiao, L. J. Prokopeva, V. P. Drachev, and A. V. Kildishev, “Experimental retrieval of the kinetic parameters of a dye in a solid film”
Optics Express 19, 18253-18259 (2011).
79. A. V. Kildishev, J. D. Borneman, X. Ni, V. M. Shalaev, and V. P. Drachev, “Bianisotropic Effective Parameters of Optical Metamagnetics and Negative-IndexMaterials,” (Invited paper)
Proceedings of the IEEE, v. PP issue 99, 1-10 (2011)
78. Kildishev, A.V.; Borneman, J.D.; Chen, K.-P.; Drachev, V.P. “Numerical Modeling of Plasmonic Nanoantennas with Realistic 3D Roughness and Distortion.”
Sensors 2011, 11, 7178-7187.
77. Mark D. Thoreson, Jieran Fang, Alexander V. Kildishev, Ludmila J. Prokopeva, Piotr Nyga, Uday K. Chettiar, Vladimir M. Shalaev and Vladimir P. Drachev, "Fabrication and realistic modeling of three-dimensional metal-dielectric composites",
J. Nanophoton. 5, 051513 (May 23, 2011); doi:10.1117/1.3590208
76. K. Lee, V. P. Drachev, and J. Irudayaraj, “DNA-Gold Nanoparticle Reversible Networks Grown on Cell Surface Marker Sites: Application in Diagnostics,”
ACS Nano, 5 (3) 2109-2117 (2011).
75. S. Ishii, A. V. Kildishev, V. M. Shalaev, K.-P. Chen, and V. P. Drachev, “Metal nanoslit lenses with polarization-selective design,”
Optics Letters 36, Issue 4, 451-453 (2011).
74. Z. Liu, K.-P. Chen, X. Ni, V. P. Drachev, V. M. Shalaev, and A. V. Kildishev, “Experimental verification of two-dimensional spatial harmonic analysis at oblique light incidence,”
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27, #12, 2465 (2010)
73. S. Xiao, V.P. Drachev, A.V. Kildishev, H.-K. Yan, U.K. Chettiar, and V.M. Shalaev, “Loss-free and active optical negative-index metamaterials,”
Nature 466, 735-738 (2010).
72. K.P. Chen, V.P. Drachev, J.D. Borneman, A.V. Kildishev, and V.M. Shalaev, “Drude relaxation rate in grained gold nanoantennas,”
Nano Letters 10, 916-922 (2010).
71. Qinghai Song, Shumin Xiao, Zhengbin Xu, Jingjing Liu, Xuanhao Sun, Vladimir P. Drachev, Vladimir M. Shalaev, Ozan Akkus, and Young L. Kim, “Random lasing in bone tissue,”
Optics Letters 35, 1425 (2010).
70. U. K. Chettiar, P. Nyga, M. D. Thoreson, A. V. Kildishev, V. P. Drachev, V. M. Shalaev, “FDTD Modeling of Realistic Semicontinuous Metal Films,”
Applied Physics B DOI 10.1007/s00340-010-3985-y (2010).
69. Helin Cao, Qingkai Yu, Robert Colby, Deepak Pandey, C. S. Park, Jie Lian,
Dmitry Zemlyanov, Isaac Childres, Vladimir P. Drachev, Eric A. Stach, Muhammad Hussain, Hao Li, Steven S. Pei, and Yong P. Chen, “Large-scale graphitic thin films synthesized on Ni and transferred to insulator: structural and electronic properties,”
Journal of Applied Physics 107, 044310 (2010).
68. S. Xiao, U.K. Chettiar, A.V. Kildishev, V.P. Drachev, and V.M. Shalaev, “Yellow-light negative index metamaterials,”
Optics Letters 34, 3478 (2009).
67. S.V. Perminov and V.P Drachev, “ Nonlinear susceptibility of metal-dielectric composite due to dipole-dipole interparticle forces,”
Optics and Spectroscopy 107, #6, 1039-1044 (2009) [in Russian]
66. S. Xiao, U.K. Chettiar, A.V. Kildishev, V.P. Drachev, I.C. Khoo, and V.M. Shalaev, “Tunable magnetic response of metamaterials,”
Applied Physics Letters 95, 033115 (2009).
65. S.V. Perminov, V.P. Drachev, and S.G. Rautian, “Optical bistability driven by the light-induced forces between metal nanoparticles,”
Optics Letters 33, Dec. 15 issue, 2998 (2008).
64. R.M. Bakker, V.P. Drachev, Z. Liu, H.-K. Yuan, R.H. Pedersen, A. Boltasseva, J. Chen, J. Irudayaraj, A.V. Kildishev, and V.M. Shalaev, “Nanoantannae array-induced fluorescence enhancement and reduced lifetimes,”
New Journal of Physics 10, 125022 (2008) a special issue on Plasmonics.
63. U.K. Chettiar, A.V. Kildishev, W. Cai, H.-K. Yuan, V.P. Drachev, and V.M. Shalaev, “Optical metamagnetism and negative index metamaterials,”
MRS Bulletin 33, 921-926 (2008).
62. P. Nyga, V.P. Drachev, M.D. Thoreson, and V.M. Shalaev, “Mid-IR plasmonics and photomodification with Ag films,”
Applied Physics B 93, 59-68 (2008).
61. J.-Y. Kim, V.P. Drachev, H.-K. Yuan, R.M. Bakker, V.M. Shalaev, “Imaging contrast under aperture tip- nanoantenna array interaction,”
Applied Physics B 93, 189-198 (2008). DOI 10.1007/s00340-008-3155-7.
60. Z. Liu, A. Boltasseva, R. Pedersen, R.M. Bakker, A.V. Kildishev, V.P. Drachev, and V.M. Shalaev, ”Plasmonic nanoantenna arrays for the visible,”
Metamaterials 2, 45-51 (2008). doi:10.1016/j.metmat.2008.03.001
59. V. P. Drachev, U. K. Chettiar, A. V. Kildishev, W. Cai, H.-K. Yuan,, and V. M. Shalaev, “The Ag dielectric function in plasmonic metamaterials,”
Optics Express 16, 1186-1195 (2008).
58. R.M Bakker, H.Yuan, Z. Liu, V.P. Drachev, A.V. Kildishev, V.M. Shalaev, R.H. Pedersen, S. Gresillion, and A. Boltasseva, “Enhanced localized fluorescence in plasmonic nanoantennae,”
Applied Physics Letters 92, 043101 (2008).
57. Zhengtong Liu, Alexander V. Kildishev, Vladimir P. Drachev, and Vladimir M. Shalaev, “Near-Field Imaging of a Silver Nanowire Using a Thin Silver Film,” 23rd Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, March 19-23, 2007 - Verona, Italy ©2007 ACES.
56. R. M. Bakker, A. Boltasseva, Z. Liu, R. H. Pedersen, S. Gresillon, A. V. Kildishev, V. P. Drachev and V. M. Shalaev, “Near-field excitation of nanoantenna resonance,”
Opt. Express 15, 13682-13688 (2007).
55. S.V. Perminov, V.P. Drachev, and S.G. Rautian, “Optics of metal nanoparticle aggregates with light-induced motion,”
Opt. Express 15, 8639-8648 (2007).
54. W. Cai, U. K. Chettiar, H.-K. Yuan, V. C. de Silva, A. V. Kildishev, V. P. Drachev, and V. M. Shalaev, “Metamagnetics with Rainbow Colors,”
Optics Express 15, 3333 (2007).
53. U. K. Chettiar, A. V. Kildishev, H.-K. Yuan, W. Cai, S. Xiao, V. P. Drachev, and V. M. Shalaev, “Dual-Band Negative Index Metamaterial: Double-Negative at 813 nm and Single-Negative at 772 nm,”
Optics Letters, 32, 1671 (2007).
52. A.V. Kildishev, V.P. Drachev, U. K. Chettiar, V. M. Shalaev, D. Werner, and D.-H. Kwon, Comment on "Negative Refractive Index in Artificial Metmaterials" [A.N. Grigorenko, Opt. Lett 31, 2483 (2006)],
Optics Letters 32, 1510-1511 (2007).
51. H.-K. Yuan, U. K. Chettiar, W. Cai, A. V. Kildishev, A. Boltasseva, V. P. Drachev, and V. M. Shalaev, “A negative permeability material at red light,”
Optics Express 15, 1076-1083 (2007).
50. R. M Bakker, V. P. Drachev, H.Yuan and V. M. Shalaev, “Near-field broad band optical spectroscopy of metamaterials,”
Physica B 394, 137-140 (2007).
49. M. A. Noginov, G. Zhu, M. Bahoura, C. E. Small, C. Davison, J. Adegoke, V. P. Drachev, P. Nyga and V. M. Shalaev, “Enhancement of spontaneous and stimulated emission of a rhodamine 6G dye by an Ag aggregate,”
Phys. Rev. B 74, 184203-184208 (2006).
48. M. A. Noginov, G. Zhu, M. Bahoura, J. Adegoke, C. E. Small, B. A. Ritzo, V. P. Drachev and V. M. Shalaev, “Enhancement of surface plasmons in an Ag aggregate by optical gain in a dielectric medium,”
Optics Letters 31, 3022-3024 (2006).
47. M.A. Noginov, G. Zhu, M. Bahoura, J. Adegoke, C. Small, B.A. Ritzo, V.P. Drachev and V.M. Shalaev, “The effect of gain and absorption on surface plasmons in metal nanoparticles,” Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics online publication (2006) DOI: 10.1007/s00340-006-2401-0.
46. A.V. Kildishev, W. Cai, U. K. Chettiar, H-K. Yuan, A.K. Sarychev, V.P. Drachev and V.M. Shalaev, “Negative refractive index in optics of metal–dielectric composites,”
J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 23, 423-433 (2006).
45. T. Klar, A. V. Kildishev, V. P. Drachev and V. M. Shalaev, “Negative-index metamaterials: going optical,”
IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Quant. Electronics invited paper, 12, 1106-1115 (2006).
44. A. K. Buin, P. F. de Chatel, H. Nakotte, V. P. Drachev and V. M. Shalaev, “Saturation effect in the optical response of Ag-nanoparticle fractal aggregates,”
Phys. Rev. B 73, 035438 (2006).
43. M. A. Noginov , G. Zhu , C. Davison , A. K. Pradhan , K. Zhang , M. Bahoura M. Codrington, V. P. Drachev, V. M. Shalaev and V. F. Zolin, “Effect of Ag aggregate on spectroscopic properties of Eu: Y2O3 nanoparticles,”
J. of Modern Optics 52, 2331 – 2341 (2005).
42. V. P. Drachev, W. Cai, U. Chettiar, H.-K. Yuan, A. K. Sarychev, A. V. Kildishev, and V. M. Shalaev, “Experimental verification of an optical negative-index material,”
Laser Phys. Lett. 3, 49-55 (2006) / DOI 10.1002/lapl.200510062 (2005).
41. V. M. Shalaev, W. Cai, U. Chettiar, H.-K. Yuan, A. K. Sarychev, V. P. Drachev , and A. V. Kildishev, “Negative index of refraction in optical metamaterials,”
Optics Letters 30, 3356 (2005). The most cited paper among 60 optical journals for 2005-2010 (ISI Web of Science).
40. V. P. Drachev, V. Nashine, M. D. Thoreson, D. Ben-Amotz, V. J. Davisson, and V. M. Shalaev, “Adaptive Silver Films for Detection of Antibody-Antigen Binding,”
Langmuir 21, 8368 - 8373 (2005).
39. V. P. Drachev, V. C. Nashine, M. D. Thoreson, D. Ben-Amotz, V. J. Davisson, and V. M. Shalaev, “Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of biomolecules with adaptive nanostructures,”
J. of Raman Spectroscopy 36, special issue on SERS, 648-656 (2005).
38. M.A. Noginov, M. Vondrova, S. M. Williams, M. Bahoura, V. I. Gavrilenko, S. M. Black, V. P. Drachev, V. M. Shalaev, and A. Sykes, “Spectroscopic studies of liquid solutions of R6G laser dye and Ag nanoparticle aggregates,”
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 7, special issue on "Metamaterials", S219-S229 (2005).
37. V. P. Drachev, M. L. Narasimhan, H.- K. Yuan, M. D. Thoreson, Y. Xie, V. J. Davisson, and V. M. Shalaev, “Adaptive silver films towards bio-array applications,”
SPIE Proceedings 5703, 79-85, Plasmonics in Biology and Medicine II; Tuan Vo-Dinh, Joseph R. Lakowicz, Zygmunt K. Gryczynski; Eds. (2005).
36. V. P. Drachev, M. D. Thoreson, E. N. Khaliullin, V. J. Davisson, and V. M. Shalaev, “Surface-Enhanced Raman Difference between Human Insulin and Insulin Lispro Detected with Adaptive Nanostructures,”
J. Physical Chemistry 108, 18046-52 (2004).
35. R. M. Bakker, V. P. Drachev, H.-K. Yuan, and V. M. Shalaev, “Enhanced Transmission in Near-Field Imaging of Layered Plasmonic Structures,”
Optics Express 12, 3701 (2004).
34. V. P. Drachev, A. K. Buin, H. Nakotte, and V. M. Shalaev, “Size Dependent χ(3) for Conduction Electrons in Ag Nanoparticles,”
Nano Letters 4, 1535 (2004).
33. V. P. Drachev, E. N. Khaliullin, W. Kim, F. Alzoubi, S. G. Rautian, V. P. Safonov, R. A. Armstrong, and V. M. Shalaev, “Quantum size effect in two-photon excited luminescence from silver nanoparticles,”
Phys. Rev. B 69, 035318 (2004).
32. M. A. Noginov, M. Bahoura, N. Noginova, and V. P. Drachev, “Study of scattering, absorption, and reflection in solid-state random laser,”
Applied Optics 43, 4237 (2004).
31. V. P. Drachev, M. Thoreson, E. Khaliullin, A. K. Sarychev, D. Zhang, D. Ben-Amotz, and V. M. Shalaev, “Semicontinuous silver films for protein sensing with SERS,”
SPIE proceedings, 5221, 76-81 (2003).
30. A. K. Sarychev, V. P. Drachev, H. Yuan, V. A. Podolskiy, and V. M. Shalaev, “ Optical properties of metal nanowires,”
SPIE proceedings 5219, 92-98 (2003).
29. A. Kuch’yanov, S. G. Rautian, V. P. Safonov, S. V. Perminov, V. P. Drachev, E. N. Khaliullin, and R. A. Armstrong, “Enhanced nonlinear-optical processes in random silver nanostructures,”
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Physics 67, 234 (2003) [in Russian].
28. S. V. Perminov, V. P. Drachev, E. N. Khaliullin, A. Kuch’yanov, S. G. Rautian, V. P. Safonov, and R. A. Armstrong, “Enhanced polarization optical nonlinearities in random silver nanostructures,”
Microsystems Engineering (Mikrosystemnaya Tehnika)1, 27-30(2003).
27. V. P. Drachev, S. V. Perminov, S. G. Rautian, V. P. Safonov, and E. N. Khaliullin, “Polarization effects in silver nano-aggregates caused by local and nonlocal nonlinear-optical responses,”
J. of Experim. and Theor. Physics (JETP) 95, 901-915 (2002).
26. V. P. Drachev, W. Kim, V. P. Safonov, V. A. Podolskiy, N. S. Zakovryazhin, V. M. Shalaev, and R. L. Armstrong, “Low-threshold lasing and broad-band multiphoton-excited light emission from Ag aggregate-adsorbate complexes in microcavity,”
J. of Modern Optics 49, 645-662 (2002).
25. V. P. Drachev, E. N. Khaliullin, F. Alzoubi, W. Kim, V. P. Safonov, V. M. Shalaev, and R. L. Armstrong, “Discrete spectra of anti-Stokes emission from metal particles aggregates,”
SPIE Proceedings 4748, 380 (2002).
24. R. L. Armstrong, W. Kim, V. A. Podolskiy, V. M. Shalaev, V. P. Drachev, and V. P. Safonov, “Giant enhancement of spectral emission from molecules adsorbed on fractal/microcavity composite media,”
SPIE Proceedings 4577, 49 (2002).
23. S. Ducourtieux, V. A. Podolskyi, S. Grensillon, P. Gadenne, A. C. Boccara, J. C. Rivoal, W. D. Bragg, K. Banerjee, V. P. Safonov, V. P. Drachev, Z. C. Ying, A. K. Sarychev, and V. M. Shalaev, “Near-field optical studies of semicontinuous metal films,”
Phys. Rev. B 64, 165403 (2001).
22. V. P. Drachev, S. V. Perminov, S. G. Rautian, V. P. Safonov, and E. N. Khaliullin, “Polarization optical nonlinearities in colloidal silver aggregates,”
Atmos. Oceanic Opt. 14, 326-331 (2001).
21. V. P. Drachev, W. D. Bragg, V. A. Podolskyi, V. P. Safonov, W. Kim, Z. C. Ying, R. L. Armstrong, and V. M. Shalaev, “Large local optical activity in fractal aggregates of nanoparticles,”
J. of Opt.Soc.Am. B 18, 1896-1903 (2001).
20. S. Ducourtieux, S. Gresillon, A. C. Boccara, J. C. Rivoal, X. Quelin, P. Gadenne, V. P. Drachev, W. D. Bragg, V. P. Safonov, V. A. Podolskiy, Z. C. Ying, R. L. Armstrong, and V. M. Shalaev, “Percolation and fractal composites: optical study,”
J. of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 9, 105-116 (2000).
19. V. P. Drachev and S. V. Perminov, “Nonlinear phase shift without cascaded second-order processes and third-order nonlinearity,”
Applied Physics B 71, 193-196 (2000).
18. V. P. Drachev, S. V. Perminov, S. G. Rautian, and V. P. Safonov, ”Nonlinear gyrotropy of silver colloid solution,”
SPIE Proceedings 3734, 182-189 (1999).
17. V.P. Drachev, S.V. Perminov, S.G.Rautian, and V.P. Safonov, ”Giant nonlinear optical activity in aggregated silver nanocomposites,”
JETP Letters 68, 651-656 (1998).
16. V.P. Drachev, S.V. Perminov, and V.P. Safonov, “New methods of n_2 measurement based on dispersion interferometry with application to KTP crystals and silver colloidal solutions,”
Physics of Vibrations 6, 81-90 (1998).
15. V.P. Drachev, S.V. Ertsenkin, S.V. Perminov, V.P. Safonov, and P.A. Chubakov, ”Shearing interferometer based on second-harmonic generation and a novel technique of n_2 direct measurement,”
Applied Optics 36, 8622-8625 (1997).
14. A. A. Apolonskii, V. P. Drachev, Yu. I. Krasnikov, and S. V. Perminov, “Phase characteristics of pulses from an Nd:YAG laser with active mode locking,”
Sov. J. Quantum Electronics 27 , 968-971 (1997).
13. A. A. Apolonskii, V. P. Drachev, K. P. Komarov, A. S. Kuchyanov, and S. V. Perminov, “Stability and changes in pulse generation by actively mode-locked solid-state lasers,”
Sov. J. Quantum Electronics 27, 509-513 (1997).
12. Yu.E. Danilova, V.P. Drachev, S.V. Perminov, and V.P. Safonov, “Dispersion interferometry of nonlinear optical media,”
Optics and Spectroscopy 81, 935--941 (1996).
11. Yu.E. Danilova, V.P. Drachev , S.V. Perminov, and V.P. Safonov, ”The nonlinearity of refractive index and absorption coefficient of fractal clusters in colloidal solutions,”
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Physics 60, 342-346 (1996).
10. V.P. Drachev, S.V. Perminov, and V.P. Safonov, “Nonlinear Phase Characteristics of Dispersion Interferometer at High-Intensity Pulses,”
Optics Communications 130, 402-412 (1996).
9. V.P. Drachev, Yu.I. Krasnikov, and PA. Bagryansky, “Dispersion Interferometer for Controlled Fusion Devices,”
Review of Scientific Instruments 64, 1010-1013 (1993).
8. V. P. Drachev, ”Nonlinear Mode of Dispersion Interferometer,”
Optics and Spectroscopy 75, 278-281 (1993).
7. P. A. Bagryanskii, V. P. Drachev, and Yu. I. Krasnikov, “Nonlinear dispersion interferometer for thermonuclear fusion devices,”
Sov. J. Plasma Physics 18, 138-140 (1992).
6. V. P. Drachev, “Dispersion interferometry of air,”
In Russian: Izmeritelnaya Technika 11, 37-38 (1990).
5. G. N. Alferov, V. P. Drachev, V. K. Mezentsev, and G. I. Smirnov, “Generation of ion lasers in magnetic field,”
Sov. J. Quantum Electronics 16, 945-951 (1989).
4. G. N. Alferov, V. P. Drachev, E. A. Kuznetsov, V. K. Mezentsev, and G. I. Smirnov, “Self-action in plasma of stationary high-current discharge,”
Sov. J. Plasma Physics 14, 604-611 (1988).
3. G. N. Alferov, S. A. Babin, and V. P. Drachev, “Nonlinear Dispersion Interferometry of Plasma of Argon Laser,”
Optics and Spectroscopy 63, 348-352 (1987).
2. G. N. Alferov, S. A. Babin, and V. P. Drachev, ”Small-Scale Structure of the Radial Electron Distribution in a High-Current Discharge,”
Sov. J. Tech. Phys. 31, 355-356 (1986).
1. V. P. Drachev, A. I. Plehanov, S. G. Rautian, and V. P. Safonov,
“Frequency-angular diffusion of monochromatic radiation in Na vapor”,
Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Physics 45, 1043-1046 (1981).
1. V.P. Drachev, “Quantum size effect and optical activity in plasmonic nanomaterials”- Novosibirsk, Russia, Institute of Automation and Electrometry Russian Academy of Sciences, November 2003.
2. V.P. Drachev, “Optics and spectroscopy of metal quantum dots and nanostructures”-Norfolk State University, Norfolk, April 2004.
3. V.P. Drachev, “Plasmonic nanostructures towards negative index materials and biosensing”- Aston University, Birmingham, UK, December 2005
4. V.P. Drachev, “Plasmonic metamaterials with negative refractive index”- The University of Arizona, College of Optics, Tucson, April 26, 2007.
5. V.P. Drachev, “Ag dielectric function in plasmonic nanostructures for biosensing and metamaterials”- Purdue University, Department of Chemistry, Physical Chemistry Seminar, October 17, 2007.
6. “Plasmonic nanostructures for biosensing and negative index materials”- Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Theoretical and Applied Electromagnetics, Moscow, November 2, 2007.
7. V.P. Drachev, “ Plasmonic nanostructures for metamaterials and luminescence control,” Wave Function Engineering 2009, Los Alamos, NM 25-27 Feb (2009).
8. V.P. Drachev, “Plasmonic optical metamaterials,” AFRL Workshop on Metamaterials, Dayton, OH, Oct 9 (2009).
9. V.P. Drachev, “Recent progress in plasmonic metamaterials,” Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology, International School of Optics for young scientists, October 16, (2009).
10. V.P. Drachev, “Plasmonic applications for biosensing and optical metamaterials” Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Physics of Solid State, Chernogolovka, October 19, 2009.
11. V.P. Drachev, “Surface-enhanced Raman scattering and plasmonic metamaterials,” Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudnyi, October 21, (2009).
12 V.P. Drachev “Active plasmonics for optical metamaterials with negative refractive index”- The University of Arizona, Department of Physics, Tucson, February 12, 2010.
13. V.P. Drachev “Nanoplasmonics for active metamaterials and biosensing,” University of North Texas, Department of Physics, Denton, TX, February 22, 2011.
14. V.P. Drachev “Nanoplasmonics for active metamaterials and biosensing,” University of Texas-Dallas, Institute for nanotechnology, Department of Physics, Dallas, TX, February 23, 2011.
15. V.P. Drachev “Losses in nanostructured metals and active metamaterials,” Southeastern Methodist University, Department of Mathematics, Dallas, TX, February 24, 2011.
16. V.P. Drachev “Nanoplasmonics in metamaterial- and bio-applications” Workshop on plasmonics and Metamaterials, Buffalo NY, May 16-17 2011.
17. V.P. Drachev “Plasmonic nanophotonics: the fundamentals behind applications,” University of North Texas, Department of Physics, Denton, TX, February 7, 2012.
18. V.P. Drachev “Luminescence and nonlinear optics of hybrid plasmonic nanomaterials” Workshop on Linear and Nonlinear Optical Interactions in Metamaterials and Plasmonic Nanostructures, Huntsville AL (USA), June 21-22 2012.
19. Drachev V.P. “Control of luminescence and nonlinear response of dyes with plasmonic nanomaterials,” UT Dallas, Sep 26, 2012.
20. Drachev V.P. “Optical metamaterials based on plasmonic nanostructures,” St Petersburg State University, Russia, October 16, 2012.
21. Drachev V.P. “Nanoplasmonics for hybrid metamaterials and biosensing,” SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, Feb 7, 2014.
32. Anisotropic scattering from plasmonic systems : polarization index allows detecting
internal plasmon feld (PaperID 2362)
31. V. P. Drachev, D. Lyvers, “Life time and photon statistics of a single dye molecule
near hyperbolic metamaterials,” Conference Days of Diffraction, Workshop on Metamaterials; St.Petersburg, Russia, May 30-June 3, 2014 (Invited talk).
30. V.P.Drachev, A. Krokhin, S.Ishii, A.V.Kildishev, “Hyperbolic metamaterials for nanophotonics,” Conference on metamaterials, plasmonics, and photonic crystals META14, Singapore, May 20-23, 2014.
29. V.P.Drachev, S.Ishii, A.V.Kildishev, “Tunable metamaterials with resonance and focusing properties,” Conference on metamaterials, plasmonics, and photonic crystals META14, Singapore, May 20-23, 2014 (Invited talk).
28. V. P. Drachev, D. Lyvers, “Nanophotonics with hyperbolic metamaterials,” Conference on Fiber Lasers, Novosibirsk, Russia, April 14-18, 2014 (Invited talk).
27. S. Ishii, V. P. Drachev, E.E. Narimanov, V. M. Shalaev, and A. V. Kildishev, “Volume Plasmon Polaritons and Subwavelength Interference in a Hyperbolic Medium,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics-Pacific Rim, Kyoto, Japan, June 30 – July 4, 2013.
26. Sangsik Kim, Yi Xuan, Vladimir P. Drachev, Minghao Qi and Kevin J. Webb, “Nanoimprinted Plasmonic Nanocavity Arrays,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO: 2013) June 9 – 14, 2013 San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA, USA
25. V.P. Drachev, K.Lee, J.P. Irudayaraj, “Spectroscopy of site specific DNA assembled plasmonic networks on cell surfaces,” SPIE Optics and Photonics, Biosensing and Nanomedicine, San Diego, CA, USA, August 25-29, 2013.
24. V. P. Drachev, D. Lyvers, D. P. Brown, M. A. Walker, A. V. Kildishev, A. M. Urbas, “Hyperbolic dispersion of metamagnetics,” SPIE Optics and Photonics, Metamaterials: fundamentals and applications, San Diego, CA, USA, August 25-29, 2013.
23. Drachev V.P., “Control of dye luminescence and nanolithography with hyperbolic metamaterials,” Basic Problems of Optics, St Petersburg, Russia, October 15-19, 2012. (Invited talk).
22. V.P.Drachev “Hybrid plasmonic metamaterials,” Conference on metamaterials, plasmonics, and photonic crystals META12, Paris, France, April 19-22, 2012 (Invited talk).
21. S.Ishii, A.V.Kildishev, V.M.Shalaev, E.E.Narimanov, and V.P.Drachev “Plasmonic lenses and subwavelength diffraction in hyperbolic media,” Conference on metamaterials, plasmonics, and photonic crystals META12, Paris, France, April 19-22, 2012 (Invited talk).
20. A. V. Kildishev, L. J. Prokopeva, D. P. Brown, A. M. Urbas, and V.P.Drachev, “Multiphysics of optical metamaterials: time-domain modeling,” Conference on Advanced Electromagnetic Simulations AES12, Paris, France, April 16-18, 2012 (Invited talk).
19. V.P. Drachev “Loss-free optical nanomaterials,” Conference on Fiber Lasers, Novosibirsk, Russia, March 24-27, 2012 (Invited talk).
18. V.P. Drachev “Plasmonics for bio-sensing and metamaterials” III International School and Conference on Photonics, Belgrade, Serbia August 27-September 2, 2011 (Keynote lecture)
17. V.P. Drachev, A.V.Kildishev, W. Cai, U.K. Chettiar, S. Xiao, X. Ni, L. J. Prokopeva, E.E.Narimanov, V.M.Shalaev, “Transformation optics with metamaterials,” Conference Days of Diffraction, Metamaterials workshop; St.Petersburg, Russia, May 30-June 3, 2011 (Invited talk)
16. Vladimir P. Drachev, Kyuwan Lee, and Joseph Irudayaraj, “Gold nanopaticles from nanoantennas to networks: fundamentals and applications,” Conference Days of Diffraction, Metamaterials workshop; St.Petersburg, Russia, May 30-June 3, 2011 (Invited talk)
15. V.P. Drachev, K.Lee, J. Irudayaraj, “Single-cell optical sensing with DNA-assembled gold nanoparticles,” Interanational Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics and Laser Applications and Technologies, August 23-26, 2010 Kazan, Russia (Invited talk).
14. V.P. Drachev, P. Nyga, U.Chettiar, M. Thoreson, A.V. Kildisshev, V.M. Shalaev, “Simulation of semicontinuous films ,” SPIE Plasmonics, San Diego, 1-5 Aug (2010). (Invited talk).
13. V.P. Drachev, V. de Silva, P. Nyga, V.M. Shalaev, “Scattering cancellation with plasmonic shells,” SPIE Plasmonics, San Diego, 2-6 Aug (2009). (Invited talk).
12. V.M. Shalaev, A.V. Kildishev, V.P. Drachev, W. Cai, H.K. Yuan, U. Chettiar, A.V. Boltasseva, Engineering optical space with metamaterials (Invited paper) Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS), San Jose, CA, USA, May 4-9, 2008.
11. V. P. Drachev, U. K. Chettiar, H. Yuan, W. Cai, A. V. Kildishev, V.M. Shalaev, Purdue Univ. Metamaterials with negative magnetism and refractive index for the visible range, (Invited Paper), Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Hangzhou, China, March 24-28, 2008.
10. V. P. Drachev, U. K. Chettiar, H. Yuan, W. Cai, A. V. Kildishev, V.M. Shalaev, Purdue Univ. Size effects in plasmonic metamaterials for the visible range, (Invited Paper), SPIE Conference on Optics and Photonics, San Diego, California, USA, August 28-30, 2007
9. V. P. Drachev, U. K. Chettiar, H.-K.Yuan, W. Cai, M. D.Thoreson, A.V. Kildishev, and V. M. Shalaev, Real Metamaterials (Invited), International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO), Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (LAT), Minsk, Belarus, May 28–June 1, 2007.
8. V. P. Drachev, M. D. Thoreson, V. Nashine, M. Narasimhan, V. J. Davisson, V.M. Shalaev, SERS of proteins at monolayer density with adaptive plasmonic nanostructures, Pittcon 2006 (invited).
7. V. P. Drachev, M. Thoreson, V. C. Nashine, M. Narasimhan, V. J. Davisson, D. Ben-Amotz, V. M. Shalaev, “Surface enhanced Raman Scattering of biomolecules with adaptive nanostructures”, The third international conference on advanced vibrational spectroscopy (ICAVS-3), August 14-19, 2005, Delavan, Wisconsin, USA.(Invited)
6. V. P. Drachev, “Optical metamaterials with negative refractive index: experiment”, Joint Conference on Information Sciences, PNC, Workshop on Negative Index Media, July 21-22, 2005 (invited talk).
5. V. P. Drachev, M. Thoreson, V. M. Shalaev, “Protein sensing with plasmonic nanostructures”, International Conference on coherent and nonlinear Optics (ICONO), May 11-15, 2005 (Invited talk).
4. V.P. Drachev, Optical nonlinearities in metal nanostructures, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Orlando, FL, October 2-5, 2004 (invited).
3. V. P. Drachev, Spectroscopy of metal quantum dots, SIAM (Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics) annual meeting, Portland, OR, July 12-16, 2004 (invited)
2. V. P. Drachev, M. Thoreson, E. Khaliullin, A. K. Sarychev, D. Zhang, D. Ben-Amotz, and V. M. Shalaev, “Semicontinuous silver films for protein sensing with SERS”, SPIE annual meeting, 3-4 August 2003, San Diego, CA (invited talk).
1. Babin S. A., Drachev V. P., and Eremenko T. Yu., “Laser detector of pollutans in air and liquids based on dispersion interferometry”, XXVIII Colloqium Spectroscopicum Internationale, York, June 29- July 4, 1993, Abstracts, York: Univers. Of York 1993, FL 2.5, Invited lecture.